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Influential Female Leaders of Tech Industry POSTED ON March 08, 2022 by Arup Ratan Paul

Influential Female Leaders of Tech Industry

Let’s start with an incident back then in 1857. For the first time, women workers in a yarn factory took to the streets of New York to protest against wage inequality, fixed working hours, and inhumane working conditions. The government forces repressed the procession. Later, on 28 February 1909, the first international women's conference was held at a women's rally organized by the Social Democrat Women's Organization in New York.

The conference was led by German Socialist leader Clara Zetkin. Then in 1910 the Second International Women's Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the conference, Clara proposed to observe March 8 every year as International Women's Day.

That was the start! Since then, the day has been celebrated with a variety of events aimed at honoring women around the world, praising their work and expressing love, as well as celebrating economic, political and social success.

Today, in this beautiful moment of International Women's Day, we will focus on some of the women who have stepped into the tech industry and successfully led in their respective fields. Those who are enlightening the world around them with their qualifications, efficiency, and skillful leadership.

Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube

As a child, she had a passion for literature and grew up to be a world-renowned technologist. Her video streaming site is literally ruling all over the world. Yes, we are talking about Susan Wojcicki. Susan Wojcicki, chief executive officer of YouTube, is one of the world's most popular video-watching sites owned by Google. Prior to joining, Susan served as Google's Senior Vice President of Advertising and Commerce. Susan Wojcicki was born in 1968 in California. Full name is Susan D. Wojcicki. From childhood, she dreamt of becoming a self-reliant childhood. Therefore, when she was only 11 years old, she started working as a salesman for a company. Her passion, determination has brought her to where she is today. She is a role model not just for women but for all people.


Gwynne Shotwell, President and COO of SpaceX

Elon Musk may be the most recognizable face of his aerospace company. But his right-hand woman is Gwynne Shotwell. Shotwell is the President and Chief Operating Officer of SpaceX. She manages the day-to-day operations and the growth of the firm. Shotwell was one of the only three women out of the 36 mechanical engineering undergrads, but she said she never had any issues being in what was still largely considered a ‘Man’s World’. That’s how she rises from the ashes. And now we consider her one of the powerful tech personalities in the world.

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer, Facebook

Sheryl Sandberg, a US businessman, is currently the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the popular social networking site Facebook. Born in Washington DC in 1969, Sheryl previously served as Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations, the world's leading search engine. Cheryl, who holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University, also worked at Google as the Chief of Staff for the US Department of the Treasury.


Elizabeth Churchill, Director of user experience at Google

The influence of women is now visible in big companies around the world. Today's women have grown up in big numbers in big organizations. One such person is Elizabeth Churchill. Elizabeth is currently working for Google as Director of User Experience. She has to play a very important role in the success of Google. Again, she is also an inspiration to all other women in the world. However, this British-American psychologist is an expert in human-computer interaction and social-computing.

Danah Boyd, Founder and President of Data & Society

In the world of technology and research Danah Boyd is a very special name. Very few women are there who are deliberately involved in the field of research. But Danah Boyd is the exceptional one and therefore inspirational too. She has recently worked as a partner researcher of ‘Microsoft Research’ and the Founder and President of Data & Society Research Institute. Data & Society Research Institute mainly addresses technical, ethical, legal and policy issues that were emerging from data-centric technological development. Boyd is currently researching on the burning issues like big data, AI and so on.


Ellen K. Pao, Co-founder and CEO of Project Include

Not only is she a successful woman, she is also a vocal opponent of harassment and assault on women in the workplace. We were talking about Ellen K. Pao. She is now the co-founder and CEO of the non-profit diversity consulting organization named Project Include. Note that early in his career she worked for various companies in Silicon Valley. She is best known as the former CEO of the social media company Reddit. While working at Reddit in 2015, her decisions, such as banning controversial Reddit communities for harassment, sparked controversy that forced him to resign. 

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