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The thrilling childhood stories of Steve Jobs POSTED ON February 24, 2022 by Arup Ratan Paul

The thrilling childhood stories of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs- the name is one of the most famous names in the world of technology. We all know him as the founder of Apple. His contribution to technology is not unknown to anyone. But how many of us know the person Steve Jobs? In addition to the story of technology, we also discussed the person Steve Jobs in this article.

His life was a revolutionary journey to change the world. The journey that started from the time of his birth.

After his birth, his unwed biological parents put him up for adoption. Jobs' father, Jandali, was a professor of Syrian political science, and his birth mother, Joan, was a speech therapist. The couple married shortly after Jobs was adopted, and they had a daughter named Mona Simpson.

Jobs found out all about his birth parents at the age of 27. At the time  Jobs and sister Mona found each other, the two siblings formed a sweet relationship.

At one point, Mona finds Jandali, their father. Meanwhile, Jandali then ran a coffee shop. Mona spoke to her father without revealing her identity. At one point, Jandali told Mona - "I used to have a big restaurant in Silicon Valley. Everyone used to come there to eat. Even Steve Jobs would come often. He always gave a big tip. " - Even after hearing this, Mona did not say that the famous man who gave this big tip was actually his son.

When Mona later tells her brother about Jandali - Jobs persuades Mona not to tell her father the truth. Jobs had a problem or, you could say, displeasing feelings for his biological father. However, he did not have this attitude towards his mother Joan. Because he found out that it was Jindali's insistence that Joan was forced to leave her son.

However, a couple named Paul and Clara Jobs adopted the newborn Jobs, who left for adoption without giving his a name. They named their foster son Steven ‘Paul’ Jobs.

Clara was an accountant, and former Coast Guard Paul Jobs was a machine operator at the time. Paul and Clara lived in the Mountain View area of California with their son.

The area where they lived later became known as Silicon Valley. As a child, Jobs worked with his foster father on electrical appliances in their family garage.

Paul showed his foster son various techniques for opening and installing electrical equipment, which instilled in the boy Jobs a sense of interest and confidence in instruments and technology.

Although Steve Jobs was always intelligent and inventive, in his childhood and adolescence, he was never satisfied with the general education system. At the kindergarten level, he used to do all kinds of mischief in school to get rid of boredom. He was even bribed by a fourth-grade teacher to get him to higher studies!

Even though he did not study, the results were always good for him and the school authorities offered to take him to high school before his age. But Paul and Clara did not respond to that offer.

However, Steve Jobs was able to reach his goal by going through the ups and downs of his childhood. His childhood stories are enough to beat any thrilling journey. Although, there are many more exciting experiences left since the founding of Apple. Today, on his birthday, we remembered him and his childhood and tried to get a look at this extremely thrilling journey of Jobs.

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