N.B. Image may differ with actual product's layout, color, size & dimension. No claim will be accepted for image mismatch. Product data used in this website is based solely on its manufacturer provided information, authenticity and accuracy are their responsibility only.
Product Id: 130.01.685.75
N.B. Specification may differ with actual product. In that case, Ryans will execute full refund within 5 days.
Dear Customer,
This product is original and all our products are authentic and original.
Thank you.
Dear customer,
The product is currently available at Uttara-2 branch.
For detailed information about the product or to contact us, our hotline number: 16 810, 09609016810 and WhatsApp number: 01755513900 (Message only)
Thank you.
Dear Customer,
Yes, the product is currently available at Rajshahi branch. For detailed information about product purchase, please contact this number - 16810, 09609016810
Thank you.
প্রিয় গ্রাহক ,বগুড়া মেট্রোপলিটন এর মধ্যে এরিয়া হলে ফ্রি ডেলিভারি পাবেন এবং মেট্রোপলিটন এর বাইরে হলে ১৫০/= ডেলিভারি চার্জ প্রযোজ্য হবে
Dear customer,
It is not possible to provide this information from here. However, you will talk with your educational institution whether the calculator will be allowed in the Class Six exam or not.
Thank you.
Dear customer,
Inside Dhaka you can purchase the product on cash on delivery. In that case, you can check the physical condition of the product and make the payment after receiving it. In case of outside Dhaka, you have to pay the delivery charge in advance. You can pay the remaining amount after receiving the product and checking its physical condition.
Dear customer, currently the product is not available in Mymensingh branch, you can order online from the website and get home delivery.