N.B. Image may differ with actual product's layout, color, size & dimension. No claim will be accepted for image mismatch. Product data used in this website is based solely on its manufacturer provided information, authenticity and accuracy are their responsibility only.
Product Id: 61.03.741.186
N.B. Specification may differ with actual product. In that case, Ryans will execute full refund within 5 days.
প্রিয় গ্রাহক,এই প্রোডাক্ট এর ১৫ মিটার এভেলেবল নেই, ধন্যবাদ
প্রিয় গ্রাহক, Compatible for-
Samsung Galaxy: S9, S9 Plus, S8, Note 8, S8 Plus, A8 (2018), A8+ (2018), A5 (2017), A7 (2017), A3 (2017), C9 Pro, C7 Pro, Note FE, Xiaomi: Mi A1, Mi Mix 2, Mi 6, Mi Note 3, Mi Max 2, Mi 5, Mi Mix, Mi 5c, Mi 5s, Redmi Pro, Mi 6 Plus, Mi 5 Plus, Mi Pad. 2, Huawei: MediaPad M5, P9, P8, Honor 9, Honor 8, nova 2s, nova 2, nova 2 plus, Honor 8 Pro LG: V30, G6, G5, V20, X venture, BQ: Aquaris X, Aquaris X Pro, Sony Xperia: XZ2, XA2 Ultra, XZ Premium, XA2, XA1, XZ1, XZ, XA1 Ultra, ZTE: Axon 7, Axon M, Axon 7 mini, Axon 7s, Max XL, Axon 7 Max, HTC: U11 Eyes, U11+, U11, HTC 10, U Ultra, U11 life, 10 evo, Elephone P9000/S8, ASUS: ZenFone 3 Deluxe, ZenFone 3 Ultra, Zenfone 3, Zenfone 4, Zenfone 4 Pro, Nokia: Nokia 8, Nokia 6 (2018), Nokia 7, Nokia N1, Chuwi hi8, Weimei weplus2, Gopro: Gopro Hero 6, Gopro Hero 5, এই প্রোডাক্ট গুলোতে ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন, ধন্যবাদ