N.B. Image may differ with actual product's layout, color, size & dimension. No claim will be accepted for image mismatch. Product data used in this website is based solely on its manufacturer provided information, authenticity and accuracy are their responsibility only.
Product Id:
N.B. Specification may differ with actual product. In that case, Ryans will execute full refund within 5 days.
Dear customer,
you can find out more about EMI by visiting the link below
For detailed information about the product or to contact us, our hotline number: 16 810, 09609016810 and WhatsApp number: 01755513900 (Message only)
Thank you.
Dear customer,
Free Sync is not mantioned in the website but it support Adaptive sync. Adaptive Sync is an open standard that allows a display to adjust its refresh rate to match the frame rate of the content being rendered.
Thank you.
প্রিয় গ্রাহক নগদ থেকে আমাদের লেনদেন এই মুহূর্তে বন্ধ রয়েছে ধন্যবাদ