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AMD Radeon FreeSync

What is AMD Radeon FreeSync?

AMD Radeon FreeSync is an adaptive-sync technology that is designed to synchronize the refresh rate of a monitor with the output of an AMD graphics card. It is an open standard that is supported by a wide range of monitors and graphics cards, and it is intended to reduce screen tearing, stuttering, and input lag.

With AMD Radeon FreeSync, the monitor's refresh rate is adjusted dynamically based on the output of the graphics card, resulting in a smoother and more seamless visual experience. This can be especially beneficial for gaming, where fast and responsive visuals are important for an immersive and enjoyable experience. AMD Radeon FreeSync is compatible with both HDMI and DisplayPort connections, and it supports a wide range of refresh rates and resolutions. It is also supported by a large and growing number of games and applications, making it a popular choice for gamers and other users who demand fast and responsive visuals. Overall, AMD Radeon FreeSync is an important consideration when choosing a monitor and graphics card, especially for gaming or other applications that require fast and responsive visuals. It can result in a smoother and more enjoyable visual experience, and it's available on a wide range of monitors and graphics cards.























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