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What is RPM?

RPM of a HDD stands for Revolutions Per Minute of a Hard Disk Drive, and it refers to the speed at which the disk platters inside the drive rotate.

The RPM of a hard drive affects its performance, with higher RPM drives generally offering faster read and write speeds. Common RPM speeds for hard drives include 5400 RPM, 7200 RPM, and 10,000 RPM. In general, higher RPM drives offer faster performance, but they may also generate more heat and consume more power than lower RPM drives. Solid State Drives (SSDs) do not have RPMs as they do not have rotating platters. Instead, they use flash memory to store data and offer faster read and write speeds than traditional hard drives. Overall, the RPM of a hard drive is an important factor to consider when selecting a hard drive for a particular application, and it is often a tradeoff between speed, power consumption, and cost.



















































































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