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What is ePoster?

An ePoster is a digital version of a traditional research poster, typically used to present research findings at conferences or other academic events.

Rather than being printed on paper, an ePoster is created using digital design software and displayed on a computer screen or other electronic device. EPosters can include a range of multimedia elements, such as videos, animations, and interactive features, which can help to engage the audience and make the poster more dynamic and visually appealing. They can also be easily updated or edited, as opposed to traditional posters which are typically printed once and cannot be changed. EPosters are becoming increasingly popular in academic and research settings due to their convenience, versatility, and potential for increased engagement. They also offer benefits such as lower printing and shipping costs and reduced environmental impact, as they eliminate the need for paper and printing materials. Overall, ePosters provide a modern and innovative way to present research findings and can help to enhance the impact and visibility of research in a digital age.















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