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Color Gamut / Color Space

What is Color Gamut / Color Space?

Color gamut, also known as color space, refers to the range of colors that a monitor or other display device can reproduce.

It is typically measured in terms of a percentage of a particular color space, such as sRGB or Adobe RGB. A wider color gamut means that a monitor is capable of displaying a larger range of colors, which can result in more accurate and vibrant colors in images and video. However, it's important to note that a wider color gamut does not necessarily mean better color accuracy, as other factors such as calibration and color temperature also play a role. The most commonly used color space for consumer displays is sRGB, which is used by most web browsers, operating systems, and applications. Other color spaces, such as Adobe RGB and DCI-P3, are used in professional applications such as photography and video editing. Overall, color gamut is an important consideration when choosing a monitor, especially for users who require accurate and vibrant colors in their work or hobbies. A wider color gamut can result in better color accuracy and vibrancy, but it's important to consider other factors as well, such as calibration and color temperature.















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