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Viewing Angle

What is Viewing Angle?

Viewing angle refers to the maximum angle at which a monitor or other display device can be viewed without a significant loss in image quality.

The viewing angle is typically expressed as an angle measured from the center of the display, and can vary depending on the type of display technology used. In general, displays that use IPS (in-plane switching) or similar technologies tend to have wider viewing angles than displays that use TN (twisted nematic) technology. A wider viewing angle means that the display can be viewed from a wider range of angles without a significant loss in image quality, which can be important for applications such as group presentations or watching movies with friends. However, it's worth noting that viewing angle is just one factor that can affect the overall quality of a display. Other factors such as color accuracy, contrast ratio, and resolution can also play a significant role in determining the overall visual quality of a display.















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