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What is HAC?

HAC stands for Hearing Aid Compatibility.

It is a feature that ensures compatibility between a mobile phone and hearing aids. Hearing aids can cause interference or "buzzing" sounds when used with mobile phones, and HAC helps to reduce or eliminate this interference. Mobile phones that are HAC-compliant are tested and rated for their compatibility with hearing aids. There are two ratings for HAC: M-rating for microphone compatibility and T-rating for telecoil compatibility. The higher the rating, the more compatible the phone is with hearing aids. HAC-compliant phones also have features such as volume control and amplification that make it easier for people with hearing loss to use their mobile phones. These features can help to amplify sound and reduce background noise, making it easier for users to hear and communicate on their phones. HAC is an important feature for people with hearing loss, as it can make a significant difference in their ability to use and communicate on their mobile phones.























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