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What is HDCP?

HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) is a type of digital copy protection technology used to prevent the unauthorized copying of high-definition digital content such as movies and TV shows.

HDCP works by encrypting the digital signal as it is transmitted from the source (such as a Blu-ray player or streaming service) to the display device (such as a TV or monitor). HDCP is implemented in both hardware and software, and requires that both the source and display device support the technology in order to function. If a device does not support HDCP, or if there is an incompatibility between the devices, the content may not be displayed or may be displayed at a lower resolution. HDCP is designed to prevent the unauthorized copying and distribution of digital content, but it has been the subject of controversy and criticism. Some argue that HDCP is overly restrictive and can prevent legitimate uses of digital content, such as fair use for educational or research purposes. Others argue that HDCP is necessary to protect the intellectual property rights of content creators and prevent piracy.

























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